the International Innovation Conference
and the
IFIA World Congress, In Stockholm, August 25 - 26, 2015


148 photographs from the conference and congress

© Julius Valsson

Click the collage to get to the pictures:

8 of the lectures in .pdf-format:
Strandberg: Interfacing with the entrepreneur
Bartneck: Why does invention fail in academia
Sandström: Where do innovations origin?
Aakjaer: The need for establishing the origin of innovation
Nilsson: On the Technology Transfer Center
Sigurdardottir: The need for adequate data on innovation output
Strandberg: UTM - a synapse between inventor and companies
Sturm: The effect of creativity on youth

All talks and lectures on video:

Conference inauguration film
Produced by: Sommerbolagen AB, Sweden

Welcome speech, SUF
- the CEO of The Swedish Inventor’s Association

IFIA’s importance representing the inventors and innovators of the world.
- Mr Alireza Rastegar, president of IFIA

"Interfacing with the Entrepreneur" - The necessity of cooperation between inventor and entrepreneur
- Mr Örjan Strandberg, chairman of STIK - The Stockholm Innovators Association

"Why does invention fail in Academia?"
- Mr  Christoph Bartneck, Ph.d, Associate Professor, HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury

IPR and it’s importance in the innovation process
- WIPO representative Marco Alemán, Acting Director/Patent Law Division

"Introducing the Istanbul International Inventions Fair - ISIF"
- Mr Hakan Bayram, Vice President of the Anatolian Inventions and Inventors Association

"Where do innovations origin?" The presentation of a recent study
LIC. Dr. Christian Sandström, Associate professor, Chalmers University of Technology and the Ratio institute

The Swedish national innovation strategy
- Mr Ola Asplund, representative for the Swedish Government Innovation Council 

Panel: Christoph Bartneck, Christian Sandström, Bola Olabisi, Ola Asplund
 - Moderator: Doctor Jenni Nordborg, VINNOVA, Sweden's governmental innovation agency.

"The need for establishing the origin of Innovation."
- Mrs. Vivi Aakjaer, Chairwoman of the Danish Inventors Association

"The need of a specific Technology Transfer activity accessible for independent inventors"
- Mr. Lennart Nilsson, IFIA Director, Founder of STIK, former Secretary General of IFIA

"The need for adequate data on innovation and invention OUTPUT"
- Mrs. Elinora Inga Sigurdardottir, Chairwoman of the Icelandic Inventors Federation

"Food For Thought: Ingenious Women bridging the gap in Innovation and Technology."
- Mrs Bola Olabisi, founder and CEOof the Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network

"Major-, SME's, or micro-companies and their relevance to innovation.
A new model for a systematic synapse between inventors and enterprise"

- Mr Örjan Strandberg, Chairman of the Stockholm Innovators Association - STIK

"The effect of creativity on youth"
- Dipl.Phys. Winfried Sturm, Physicist, Scientist, Teacher

Summary of the Conference and the Congress. Decisions on possible congress statements concerning the topics discussed during the sessions.
- Mr Alireza Rastegar, president of IFIA